We first met Claudia in 2018 when she and her husband Rodrigo visited Sweet Bloom as part of our Meet the Producer event. At the time, we were purchasing coffee from her husband, Rodrigo Sanchez (and still do). Exactly four years later, we were delighted to have the opportunity to purchase our first lot from Claudia’s new farm, Los Nubes!
The more we learn about Claudia, the more we realize she is an influential powerhouse in the Huila region. She is deeply connected with the other producers in the area and, together with Rodrigo, they operate five farms, and own a dry mill which serves both the surrounding community and their own farms.
If the first lot we purchased from Claudia is a harbinger or things to come, then we are in for many tasty coffees in the future. Claudia is overseeing the planting of new varieties on the farm including Mokka and Sudan Rume, which join the other varieties already growing on the farm including gesha, pink bourbon, and caturra. We are excited to see what else Claudia brings to the table in the future.