Here are our favorite pour over brewers with recipes that will deliver a tasty cup every time. We recommend the Origami Air S for brewing 1-2 cups at home, the Aeropress for travel, and the 6-8 cup Chemex when brewing for friends and family.
Origami Air S
We use the Origami Air S brewer in our cafes for a great consistent cup. You can use this recipe and bring the Sweet Bloom Cafe to your home.
Our recipe for the Origami Air SAeropress
The Aeropress is a great travel brewer. It is relatively inexpensive and nearly indestructible. Use it to get a pretty good cup of coffee on the fly, possibly camping, traveling, or your scale just ran out of power!
Our recipe for the AeropressThe 6-8 Cup Chemex
We love the elegance of this 6-8 cup manual brewer and find it produces consistently fantastic cups of coffee for you and or a couple of friends.
Our recipe for the ChemexThe Kalita Wave
For a long time we used this brewer in our cafes. We’ve moved on, but we still think the Kalita make a great cup of coffee.
Our method for the Kalita Wave