Nery grew up in the community of La Unión, Nariño, Colombia. Her father, a coffee farmer in Nariño, had already instilled in her a love for coffee and knowledge of its production, but she wanted to learn more, and to have her own farm. At the age of 20, in 1999, she left her hometown and began working as a coffee picker in Isnos, Huila. While she worked, she asked as many questions as possible and prepared herself to begin to develop her own farm.
Her opportunity for that came when Nery purchased a seemingly undesirable piece of land in 2009. The farm, now called Finca El Mirador, had only a makeshift house made of bareque (a type of mud bricks). Many believed it was unsuitable for any crop, but Nery saw its potential. That first year she planted coffee trees and began to work and care for the land. She moved there with her two daughters in 2010 and did the work required to produce coffee.
Initially, Nery sold her coffee in the local market as conventional, commercial coffee. However, in 2018, she was introduced to Caravela Coffee, and began selling coffee to them. She says that Caravela pays for the work and quality that goes into the coffee. She started with RTB/A (ready-to-blend) quality and has worked hard to improve quality to AAA status, which is 86+. She reached that quality in 2023, and her coffee really stood out on the cupping table during Miguel’s visit.
Nery’s coffee processing is primarily a traditional washed process. It begins with the careful picking of ripe cherry. Then at the wet mill on the farm, the cherries are floated, the bad ones removed, and the rest are placed in a container for 24 hours before pulping. After this, the coffee is fermented in closed bags for around 72 hours and then subjected to two washes. THe drying phase begins in the shade. Then the coffee is transferred to the main covered drying area, where it takes up to 15 days to reach the desired moisture level.
But there’s more to the story than great coffee. With improved farm practices and increased income, Nery has transformed her life. Her effective management skills allowed her to build a two-story house, while the original house now serves as a place to raise guinea pigs. In 2022, Nery and her husband Lidier acquired a 4×4 truck, making it easier to deliver coffee to the purchasing station in San Agustin. They even purchased a nearby plot of land for their oldest daughter to start her own coffee production.
We love to share the story of emerging producers like Nery Nelcy Montilla. We also love purchasing her coffee and sharing its beauty with you.